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The new books in May 2023
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New Books

The new books in April 2023
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Terms for the Niko Muskhelishvili University Library of Georgian Technical University and its branches

1. All print and electronic resources could be used by all faculties of the same university only:

A) Bachelor; B) Master students; C) PhD students; D) Vocational students; E) Teachers; F) Full professors; G) Associate professors; H) Assistant professors; I) Technical staff of GTU.

2. Four halls:

A) Press and Information Hall, B) Hall of Electronic Versions of Books and Magazines, C) Technical Sciences Hall, D) Humanitarian Science Hall.

3. Necessary documents required to enroll the University Library of the GTU and its branches are:

A) Document confirming relevant academic status (ID card issued by GTU), B) passport or Identity card issued by the Civil Registry of Georgia.

4. For the service in the Library and branches the Library card (ticket) is needed.

5. The following services are provided:

A) Issuing of library units temporarily (one semester); B) If there is any rear or book in only single exemplar then its use is possible just in a corresponding profile reading hall; C) At one time the student can receive 10-12 printed items for a private use (issued during up to twp hours); D) If the literature is needed for the longer period than one semester then it has to be re-registered; E) According  the term of the use of the books and journals, professors can use it only one month instead of one semester; F) After completion of the Tuition Course, termination of student status, termination of work contract (professors and teacher, staff), the library shall issue a relevant notice.

6. The reader can get acquainted with scientific, artistic and other magazines and newspapers of different countries in the press and information reading hall of the GTU Niko Muskhelishvili University Library.

7. In case of loss of GTU Niko Muskhelishvili University Library belonging item the subscriber is obliged to:

A) Restore the lost library unit with identical edition, B) to reimburse the disadvantage. (The amount of money is determined by the formula: the price of the missing unit plus 50 (fifty) GEL (Decree of the Senate of the Senate №5 21.10.2011, Decree of the Academic Council №503 13.07.2011).

The following services are also available:

1. Use all kinds of print and electronic resources.

2. Use the computer hall, which implies:

a) Use all electronic versions; b) Searching for scientific and informational materials on internet sites; c) Reach the electronic catalogs of different high schools on the basis of the inter-libraries agreement; d) Benefit from international online databases; e) Find various information related to learning processes (examinations and examination scores, various grants, etc.).

 3. It is forbidden to use various entertainment and gaming sites (incompatible with the educational process).

4. WIFI access at the entire library.

5. Mobile phones are prohibited at the library.

                                                                                                                          Administration of the GTU Niko Muskhelishvili University Library